Kindergarten Readiness
At Yarra Warra Preschool and Bush Kinder we understand that preparing for kindergarten can be difficult to determine. This page hopefully will provide the answers to how socially and emotionally ready your child needs to be and what skills are expected of preschool children.
Our 3 year old kinder program is open to children who turn 3 years of age up until the end of April. The ages of children attending kindergarten can vary greatly and if your child is turning 3 during the first term of the year they start 3 year old kinder, approximately a third of the children will be nearly a year older and half the group will be six months older.
While the program is open to children of this age, we strongly recommend that children who are born between February and April be enrolled the following year because the older children are, the more likely they will be able to cope with learning expectations.
Yarra Warra Preschool understands that all children are different and that each child develops at a different rate. Therefore when considering kindergarten readiness, it is important to note that age is not the only thing a parent should consider – parents must consider their own child’s rate of development when asking “Is my child ready for preschool?”
Deciding if your child is ready for kindergarten can be a difficult decision, as there are many things to consider. Here are some points that will help you to decide if your child is ready:
Happy and confident separation from caregivers
Child’s size and stamina (do they tire easily?)
Independent toileting
Being able to listen and take turns
Sitting in a group to eat their snack
Understanding simple instructions
Can they be understood?
Being more independent
In accordance with State government regulations, if a child has not turned 3 years of age prior to the commencement of the kinder year (i.e. the school year) they are not able to attend our kinder until their 3rd birthday. In such cases, it is recommended that a child attend two orientation sessions just prior to their 3rd birthday accompanied by a parent/caregiver to introduce them to the kinder.
For a child to receive a second year of 4 year old kinder ,and in turn funding, they must be assessed as having delayed development in at least two areas* and it must be considered that he or she will benefit from a second year of kinder. Children who are ‘just young’ will not meet the eligibility criteria.
*Self care, the ability to speak and/or understand language, intellectual, social and emotional development.
Consider, not only your child's readiness for 3 year old kinder now but also their readiness for 4 year old kinder the following year, as well as the age that they will be when starting school.
If your child will turn 3 between February and 30 April and you decide to defer your child’s attendance, don’t overlook the many other opportunities available in Warrandyte to create a stimulating and social environment for them.
If you would like to discuss your child’s kinder readiness with one of our teachers, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 9844 3808.

“Up, up and away!”
- Superman